Case Studies of Past Clients

One of the pains of womanhood is alienation.

  • Alienation from our sisterhood, encouraged to be enemies rather than support.

  • Alienation from our bodies, pushed away from our original frames into a state of disdain and confusion.

  • Alienation from our mothers and grandmothers, speaking different languages and cursing rather than blessing.

  • Alienation from nature, and our innate ability to connect to her and heal through her.

  • Alienation from where we came from and where we are going.

My work, alongside the rising movement, is to bridge all of this back.

Bridge ourselves back to our bodies. Back to the deeply nourishing community of women. Back to nature and its incredible treasures. Back to our purpose.

Will you walk on that bridge with me?

Read about women who have done it before you.

Alexa, USA

(Note from Audrey: Alexa was going through an intense transition in the middle of our coaching, yet we created a plan that was relevant to her situation so that it wouldn’t overwhelm her. She was seeing results even in the midst of all the environmental chaos around her)

What it was like Before

I was dealing with a lot when I came to Audrey. My periods were extremely painful. I would have major fatigue and nausea. I also would get very emotional and my mood would do a complete 180 shift at least a whole week before my period. My cycle was so all over the place that it would make me uncomfortable for a good portion of the month that I would only have one week where I felt "normal." My period was also pretty heavy and I would feel very wiped out by the time it actually arrived.

What happened/ Changed

I've learned so much about my cycle that I'm able to plan my schedule around it and it's helped me so much. Not only is my period a lot lighter, but a lot of the fatigue, nausea, and extreme symptoms have subsided. Most of the time, I forget my period is coming if I am not checking my period tracker! I feel like I'm better able to flow through my life without being sidelined by PMS.

The Unexpected Bonus

I think overall, aside from having a lot less PMS and an extremely bearable period, other things have changed in my life thanks to working with Audrey. My sleep and my sleep schedule is so much better. I've learned how to manage my stress and it's a lot less than before I started with Audry. One unexpected bonus benefit was that I was actually able to start losing weight again.

My favorite part of having Audrey as a coach was that she made it a whole holistic process. She broke everything down in ways that made it easy to digest and the tips and tricks she gave me affected areas outside of my period like sleep, stress, exercise, and eating. She really helps you get in tune with your body. 

Mylène, Canada

(Note from Audrey: Mylène returned to work feeling so much better about her stress that she asked for a promotion… and got it!)

What it was like Before

Intense eczema on my hands and feet - so intense that I had to wear special gloves, was off work, and couldn’t do anything in my house. My doctors and nurses had no idea what was happening. I also had intense anxiety and insomnia. After seeing that no cream and medicine helped, I wondered if it might be hormonal.

What happened/ Changed

Within 3 months, all of the eczema disappeared. The biggest change for me was the ability to manage my anxiety and panic attacks. I learned to identify what was really important to me, and to slowly detach from the things that weren’t. I stopped getting anxious over imaginary scenarios. This had a huge impact on my stress and my sleep.

The Unexpected Bonus

I learned to rest. Every session, I felt like I could unpack a layer of the burden I was carrying, and drop the weight of it little by little. I felt so much more peace than I had felt before. This was my angel fallen from the sky. The greatest gift I ever got myself.

Yohanna, Japan

(Note from Audrey: Yohanna later became pregnant and had an incredibly healthy pregnancy and a very big and healthy first baby!)

What it was like Before

I had rashes on my back and chest, so I wanted to have more clear skin. Also, I wanted to lose 3 kg to be healthier.

What happened/ Changed

At first, we set goals to improve my health. Regarding my goals, she gave me some instructions. We as women have our own body cycle. Depends on which cycle I am on; I choose what to eat and how to work out/ exercise. As we went through the monthly curriculum, she encouraged me to keep following the steps that I need to take. Then I noticed less rashes both on my back and chest and I am getting close to my ideal body shape. I became much more aware of my body condition to keep it healthy.

The Unexpected Bonus

she helped me to find out a big part of my health issue which was stress. She taught me how to handle and think about stress.  I could not achieve goals without her instructions and help. Since she encouraged and motivated me a lot, I could achieve my goals!

Stephanie, USA

(note from Audrey: After our incredibly successful time together, Stephanie went ahead and became a health coach herself!)

What it was like Before

I was struggling with heavy menopausal symptoms: dry skin, exhaustion, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, night sweats, weight gain.

I felt stuck and hopeless. I was just told it was part of menopause.

What happened/ Changed

I have learned to listen to my body. My menopausal symptoms are gone. No more hot flashes or night sweats! I have energy again, I can sleep, I’m less stressed. I have my life back!

The Unexpected Bonus

The unexpected bonus benefit was learning to listen to my body. I learned to take care of the many aspects that make my body work.

Lauren, Switzerland

(Note from Audrey: our work together motivated Lauren to launch her own successful business and gather women around her to reclaim their womanhood together)

What it was like Before

I had never thought that I needed support around my PMS until I heard about Audrey and her work. This made me realize that I could maybe have a different quality of life around my period. The reality is that I had intense panic attacks every month before my period. I was also interested in losing weight. I had been given medicine to relieve anxiety and I wanted to stop it immediately.

What happened/ Changed

To be very honest I didn’t expect these coaching sessions to go this deep. I was shocked by how relevant and unique to me our sessions were, and by how many angles we could look at my health. I felt that with every session I was met in my needs, and the tools were incredibly varied.
These are the main changes I have experienced: Learned to listen to and honor the needs of my body, regulated my appetite, I was freed through EFT from the huge pressure I had on my shoulders to save my family (that was preventing me from moving on in life). I learned to put myself first, to prioritize my wellness, to connect to my womanhood.

The Unexpected Bonus

We went so much deeper than my original goal. I felt as though Audrey was guided to know exactly what to touch and when.

What touched me the most was this connection to my womanhood - to make more space for my inner feminine. That really allowed me to open up to full potential. With the liberation from my fear, and the ability to get excited for the future… that was THE discovery of the year for me.
And the cherry on top was the integration of the Divine. I really think that made everything work so well.

Miranda, USA

(Note from Audrey: Miranda’s health became such an inspiration and a passion for her that she also became a health coach. She is also an actress and a model promoting a healthy relationship with one’s body)

What it was like Before

Before I started this coaching I was bloated, had headaches the first few days of my period that would only go away with Midal. I didn’t have regular periods, and hadn’t had any in the past few months. My weight was also going up and down, and no matter what diets I tried, I couldn’t keep it regular and healthy.

What happened/ Changed

When I enrolled, I knew that it would help somewhat but I never thought that I would ever totally get back to a healthy period every month in only three month. I am happy to say that after a year of battling only having a period once every two or three months, I am finally back on track with a healthy monthly period!

Now I have minimal to no bloating and my headaches and other period symptoms are completely gone. I also learned how to get on track with my body to know what phase I was in throughout each cycle. Now I am able to understand each phase and I know what to eat and how to exercise correctly for each phase, taking the stress away from my body. Lastly, I am now able to maintain my weight without feeling like I'm trying, which is truly quite an amazing feeling!

The Unexpected Bonus

I loved learning about how our bodies as woman works. It was amazing and eye opening learning about how we have four phases in each monthly cycle and how to help your body through each phase. The best result was that I started seeing noticable results in the first month. I didn't have to wait until close to the end to see results.

Rachel, Canada

(Note from Audrey: Rachel became a powerful world traveler who followed her feminine instincts. She changed careers for something that truly sparked her joy, and finally found the courage to start dating again)

What it was like Before

The first day of my menstruation was incredibly difficult: pain, fatigue, etc.)

I was also feeling a bit lost in life. Disconnected from my body, from my dreams, from who I really was.

I wanted to change careers but didn’t have the courage.

I wanted to lose weight and dare try new things without feeling self-conscious about how I looked.

What happened/ Changed

I received tools to take care of myself as a woman. Because I was so validated in what I was going through, I felt a huge relief. I started a new journey of understanding my feminine cycles and body. I felt like I understood myself better, and I could be more aligned to who I was.

I feel more peaceful, and have a much better self-esteem.

The Unexpected Bonus

I learned what I didn’t learn in school! The changes weren’t difficult, they were soft and gradual.

Because Audrey had a sincere respect and interest for my health, I allowed myself to feel the same things towards my own self. The tools felt personal to me so I can now really use them in my daily life.

Sahra, USA

(Note from Audrey: When she came to me, she had given herself one year to try to get pregnant naturally - her first conception having been quite complicated - before she would look at other medical procedures. However, Sahra became pregnant very quickly so we didn’t need to keep the coaching going for too long. )

What it was like Before

hen I first started working with Audrey I was concerned about hormonal acne, mood swings, and much more as I segued off of my birth control and started trying for another baby.

What happened/ Changed

My mood swings and acne were much more manageable once I implemented the tips and tricks from Audrey! I also got pregnant VERY fast, especially compared to how long it took me to conceive my first born!

The Unexpected Bonus

A quick fertilization and minimal periods to endure, as manageable as they were!