We all begin the process before we are ready, before we are strong enough, before we know enough; we begin a dialogue with thoughts and feelings that both tickle and thunder within us. We respond before we know how to speak the language, before we know all the answers, and before we know exactly to whom we are speaking.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

My Philosophy

To balance your hormones, you need both an understanding of HOW your systems work AND how YOUR body speaks.

The key is not in a missing nutrient or vitamin. That changes with time and circumstance.

Loading your system with supplements someone ELSE said are good for you won’t cut it. You need to understand what nutrients YOU need (And when you need them!). So how do you know when you need certain nutrients over others? Your body will tell you.

The key is also not just to clean yourself from all the toxins. What you need is to understand which of them your body is struggling with at the moment and what your body needs to adapt to them. How do you know that? Your body will tell you.

How do you know what exercise routine fits your reality (hormonal, lifestyle, and metabolism)? Your body will tell you.

How can you know what herbs and natural remedies will make an actual difference for you and change your symptoms? Your body will tell you.

Your body is CONSTANTLY talking to you about her needs and imbalances. The problem is that we don’t speak her language.

That’s why we only see results sometimes, instead of all the time.

I know you’ve tried many things before. You’ve been to the nutritionist or the naturopath, you’ve taken the supplements and you’ve done the workouts.

But I don’t want you to take shots in the dark. I want you to understand how your body works and how to decipher your unique needs.

You’re not broken. You’re not meant for this suffering either. We need to go unlock the deeper layers of your health, where change really happens.

Balancing your hormones means going beyond blood tests and dietary changes. It means RETURNING to YOUR unique blueprint and YOUR body’s language.

The pathway to your radiance is within your body, but have you the keys to unlock it?

The philosophy of Spotless Girl is to give you the tools to speak and understand your body. In every offer, you receive an understanding of your body’s systems (the things you were never taught at school or anywhere else) and somatic tools to follow your body’s messages and decipher them.

My Method

  • Understand Your Body

    I know we’ve been influenced to disconnect from our bodies and our health with strict diets and workouts, with medicine and pills, and with a twisted body image.

    My goal is to give you the tools you need in order to understand your body and hormones DEEPLY, so you are able to manage them throughout the years, not matter what the circumstances and changes are.

  • Ditch the Trends

    Talking about diet and exercise won’t achieve this goal. It won’t be enough. Your nutrition and movement needs will change throughout your life. If you don’t understand the deeper layers of your health, how will you know what to do then?

    There are so many pieces of information out there, but even the most convincing ones won’t help you if they don’t match your needs. And to understand our needs, we also need to understand the science behind our hormonal flows.

  • Science And Intuition

    The deeper things happen beyond the “just physical” aspects of your hormones. We are going to explore the narratives that your body is holding on to: physical (somatic), emotional, and even spiritual. We are going to restore your relationship with your body and intuition so you can listen to your needs more clearly.

    And we will look at the hormonal flows (and their cycles of change) in your body, and how they interact with each other so that no matter the changes, you are aware of their functions.

That’s why Spotless Girl is NATURAL and HOLISTIC.

I’ve combined herbalism, traditional practices, and new scientific data on women’s health to create a map through which we will explore your unique hormonal blueprint.

I’ve called this map the HOLISTIC WHEEL OF RADIANCE.

Together, we explore the four pillars of wellness: Lifestyle, Body, Soul, and Purpose in order to fully rebalance your hormones and align them to the life you’re creating for yourself.

You can watch the video where I explain a little bit more of the concept of the wheel of radiance.

Throughout my work, I use multiple tools to restore the wheel of radiance to its full potential: somatic practices such as EFT and nervous system regulation techniques, herbalism, neuroplasticity principles combined with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and much more.

Spotless Girl Values

  • Changing the stories and the patterns in ourselves to leave a legacy

  • Unlocking the radiance that is in the blueprint within our body

  • Honoring the wisdom and intuition of the body and embodying them in our daily life

  • Choosing to approach our wellness holistically, including the different aspects of life and their impact on health

  • Restoring and reclaiming what it means to be a radiant woman in a world that is still unfavorable to women

  • Having respect for nature and understanding that healing is an interaction between the living (nature, plants, animals, others) and the living (ourselves)

  • Encouraging the sisterhood (Women supporting women)

My Story & The Birth Of Spotless Girl

When I was 13 years old, I had such intense bleeding, cramping, fainting spells, and low energy, that I was put on the pill. There was nobody back then to explain what was happening to me, and how I could handle it. I was stuck. I was drained.

6 years later, I learned about the adverse effects of the pill (it took them 6 years to tell me what the medicine I was taking really was…) and I got terrified.

I immediately, and secretly, got off of it.

This started my journey of trying to figure out what was happening to my body, why it reacted like that, and if that was just the curse of womanhood or if there was something to do about it.

I discovered that what I had thought about my body wasn’t true and that my life was meant to feel healthy and radiant. My whole health took a U-turn.

I became a Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, an EFT practitioner with the Priority Academy, and a herbal practitioner for women with Aviva Romm (and many other teachers such as Marie-Christine Vallières, Sajah Popham, Kami McBride, Erika Galentin, Evan Sylliaasen, Camille Freeman, and Dr Libby Weaver).

I learned to use somatic therapy, nutrition, regulation of the nervous system, herbalism, and many other methods to transform my body and relationship to my body in ways that actually made sense.

Now I have the ability to share the tools to balance hormones without the pill, to explain the natural design of the cycle and other hormonal flows, and to give women the opportunity to reconnect with their whole bodies.

Spotless Girl exists to help women gain their power back, using their feminine biology as their biggest ally in a world that tells them to wage war against it. I encourage women to be empowered in their womanhood, to tap into a power that is so feminine that it literally shows up in their bodies, and to create the lifestyle they truly desire with it.

This is about rejecting the easy fixes that actually dim the light of our hormones because, in the end, we are complex and wonderfully made creatures that deserve exquisite attention and care.

We Are a Good Fit If You:

  • Are not interested in strict regimens that will turn your life upside now, but are more interested in seeing how simple and small daily actions can change your life in the long run

  • Want to learn how your body works so you don’t have to fall for the trendy wellness ideas

  • Crave leaning into your womanhood and reconnect with the parts of you that have been silenced before

  • Understand that everything is connected, and that your hormones are not just off because of a lack of nutrient, but also because of your emotional state, your stress, your relationship to yourself and to others, and you want to address the wholeness of who you are when it comes to your wellbeing

  • Are curious about somatic approaches - meaning using tools that are based on the body rather than the mind and brain

  • Want to go the natural route

  • Love taking yourself to the next level of life, feeling your growth and expansion, and creating a lifestyle that you really love and enjoy, instead of falling into the status quo that your environment would chose for you

  • Are someone that craves authentic sisterhood and connection, where women lift each other up and help transform each other’s loves in love and deep friendship

You don’t have to struggle in silence

If you are having a hard time managing your hormones and your cycle and feel like it’s preventing you from living your life to the fullest, then you are in the right place. We will find a solution together!

Follow Spotless Girl’s journey.